Thursday, December 19, 2013


1) When preparing a specimen for viewing in the SEM, you have to go through a few steps before you’re ready. Our first plant (Monotropa uniflora, or Indian Pipe) was a bit tricky to prepare. After we found the pollen grains inside the flowers, we used a small paintbrush to apply the pollen to the carbon tape. The other two specimens, Rosa and Polystichum munitum (Red Rose and Sword Fern, respectively) were much easier to prepare.

2) Using a Leica microscope that was able to capture images, we took a few pictures at 35x magnification.

These photos are showing the spores on pollen for sword fern (above) and indian pipe (below).
3) We used a growing solution made up of 0.1% boric acid and 30% sucrose. While our pollen didnot end up growing pollen tubes, we still were able to draw a few pictures of the pollen samples on the wet mount slides.
The leftmost circle shows a drawing of the indian pipe pollen at 400x, middle circle shows a drawing of rose fern pollen at 400x, and the rightmost circle shows a drawing of fern pollen at 400x. (Artwork by Fiona Gredvig)

4) During our time using the SEM, we were looking specifically for differences in pollen types.
These were our three test plants, and here is what their pollen looked like under the SEM FEI Phenom Pro.

Photos to the left show the plants in their in situ phase, and photos to the left were taken with the SEM to show the pollen after it had died and dried out. 

These are the three test plants that we studied. In the left column are picture of the actual plants. That is what they would look like if you found them growing in the wild. In the right column are pictures of the pollen under the SEM. The green measurements on the SEM photos signify how big the pollen is in Micrometers.
Photo credit:


How does pollen in different environments, such as mountain and urban, differ?

Team Agreement

Levi Dorr: Writing the agreement and background research. Also the recorder for the SEM.

Joe Kilty: Photographs and SEM Operator.

Fiona "The Blogging Queen" Gredvig: Making the blog and Data Collector for SEM.

Amanda Johnston: Researcher for background information and pictures from the web.


  • Joe, Levi, and Amanda worked on pollen table. (12/17)
  • Fiona, Levi, and Amanda took Leica pictures. (12/16-17)
  • Joe wrote the procedure. (12/19)
  • Joe made the table. (1/7)
  • Amanda did gene sequencing. (1/7)

Pollen Data Table

Data table comparing our findings from the pollen of the sword fern, red rose, and indian pipe plants.